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MMG Mentorship 

MMG are thrilled to announce our 9 month Mentorship to take you over the finish line with a specially trained Mentor. You will be signed up with a dedicated Artist development mentor that will take you through the steps to release your music. Meeting every other week to keep you on track and guiding you all the way.


And the best part is that at the end you can complete your own training to become an MMG Mentor yourself to help the next Artist.


It's all about paying it forward and passing on the support to cultivate an Industry full of positivity.

Where it started...

"MMG was set up to help Artists and Bands realise their potential and feel that they have someone that they can trust, and turn to when they felt stuck. When you are working on your own projects it can be a process full of self doubt and find difficulty in decision making. As I have worked with the next generation of the music industry through lecturing and working closely with BIMM University; I have seen how supportive people can be and the difference that it makes when working with each other instead of comparing themselves. It's a powerful thing! And so I have designed a program which can be followed and taught by young people as mentors to the next in line, who in turn will learn the steps to pass it on. It will be incredibly exciting to see the music industry evolve into a place where young people are helping each other up the ladder" - Hannah White, Company Director, MMG

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